Insulated containers for handling, storage and delivery.
Isothermal containers for dry ice and the fishing sector
Refrigerated containers for food and biomedical logistics.
Heating containers
Ultra-propelled reefer containers
Temperature controlled food delivery containers
Isothermal containers and trays for meal delivery
Through our isothermal boxes the following benefits are obtained:
REMOVE either REDUCE the use of refrigerated trucks transporting their products in dry trucks.
Maximize a refrigerated truck allowing it to carry different products at different temperatures within it.
Our logistics solution allows you to generate significant and immediate savings in the cold chain without jeopardizing the quality of the products.
Savings of 25% to 35% in fuel.
No need for frequent and expensive maintenance of a refrigeration unit.
The carbon footprint is reduced.
They make it possible to overcome the problems related to thermal oscillations that occur in the case of split deliveries.